Sunday Masses
St. Ferdinand: 6:30am, 9am & 6pm
Church of Transfiguration: 7am
Corpus Christi, Ikola: 6:30am
Church of Nativity: 9am
Weekday Masses
St. Ferdinand: 6:30am – Monday to Friday, 7am – Saturdays and public holidays, 6:30pm – Monday Holy hour / Adoration – Friday by 6pm
First Holy Communion At Easter
First Holy Communion At Easter
Church of Transfiguration: Thursday (6:30pm)
Corpus Christi, Ikola: Wednesday (6:30pm)
Church of Nativity: Saturday 7:30am
Infant baptism:First Saturday of the month on Saturdays and by arrangement.
First Holy Communion: during Christmas and Easter period.
Adult baptism: Easter periods.
Confirmation: once in 3 years.
Marriage: on Saturdays and weekdays.
Christian Wake Keep/Funeral: Mass by arrangement.
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession): every 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Saturdays from 5pm.
STATION CHURCHES: on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
- Retreat: on special occasions like Advent, Lenten season, before Harvest
- MARIAN DEVOTION: in the months of May and October
- COMMUNION ROUND: Once a month, Sick Call: Whenever the need arises.